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English Notes- By Shishir Gyawali

English Notes- By Shishir Gyawali
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Saturday 10 July 2021

The Five Dimensions of Education Summary B.Ed First Year

The Five Dimensions of Education

- Freedom from the Past by Osho

Brief Summary:

According to Osho, modern education is insignificant, incomplete and insufficient because it is based on competition. In fact, competition is always harmful because it creates enmity, dissatisfaction, indifference and conflict as well. He says that competition is violent and creates unloving people. Their whole effort is to be the achievers of name, fame and ambitions. So, that destroys their joys and friendliness, and it seems that everybody fights against the whole world. He claims that present education system is goal oriented, i.e., to pass exams, which has made the future important and present insignificant, fearful and unproductive. Examination that comes after one or two years has been important than learning.  So, it has sacrificed the present for the future and created a sense of emptiness in life. Similarly, examination brings the feeling of inferiority in a student if he/she fails and the feeling of superiority if he/she passes. So, he states that there should not be any kind of examinations as the part of education. But there should be every hour observations by teachers, and teachers’ remarks throughout the year should decide whether students move further or remain a little longer in the same class. Nobody fails and nobody passes. It is just that a few students are speedy and a few are a little bit lazy. Concluding on this subject, he says that nobody is inferior and superior. The truth is that one is just oneself and incomparable to others. Talking about the present role of teachers, he notes that teachers had a significant role in the past, but now the situation has been different due to explosion of knowledge, new facts, new discoveries, etc. Now, the problem is that teachers go on repeating what they were taught so many years ago. He claims that they are out of date and also making their students out of date, so they have no place. In this context, he asserts that teachers should be simple guides, and teaching should not be done in the old-fashioned way because television can teach students in a far better way. Taking about television as the most alive part, he mentions that if we can see something, there is no need to memorize it, but if we listen to something or someone, we have to memorize it. So, he suggests teachers to be only guides who should show their students right path and make them aware of the latest knowledge. With these thought, he divides education into five dimensions:

- Informative/Language

- Inquiry of scientific subjects

- Art of living

- Art and creativity

- Art of dying

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