Sub.Code: 0041'A'
NEB-GRADE XII 2081 (2024)
Compulsory English
Supplementary Examination
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Time: 3 hrs.
Full Marks: 75
Attempt all questions.
1. Read the following text and complete the tasks that follow. 15
"Click!" That's the sound of safety. That's the sound of survival. That's the sound of a seat belt locking in place. Seat belts save lives and that's a fact. That's why I don't drive anywhere until mine is on tight. Choosing to wear your seat belt is as simple as choosing between life and death. Which one do you choose?
Think about it. When you're driving in a car, you may be going 60 MPH or faster. That car is zipping down the road. Then somebody ahead of you locks up his or her brakes. Your driver doesn't have time to stop. The car that you are in crashes. Your car was going 60 miles per hour. Now it has suddenly stopped. Your body, however, is still going 60 MPH. What's going to stop your body? Will it be the windshield or your seat belt? Every time that you get into a car you make that choice. I choose the seat belt. Some people think that seat belts are uncool. They think seat belts cramp their style, or that seat belts are uncomfortable. To them I say, what's more uncomfortable? Wearing a seat belt or flying through a car windshield? What's more uncool? Being safely anchored to a car, or skidding across the road in your jean shorts? Wearing a seat belt is both cooler and more comfortable than the alternatives.
Let's just take a closer look at your choices. If you are not wearing your seat belt, you can hop around the car and slide in and out of your seat easily. That sounds like a lot of fun. But, you are also more likely to die or suffer serious injuries. If you are wearing a seat belt, you have to stay in your seat. That's no fun. But, you are more likely to walk away unharmed from a car accident. Hmmm... A small pleasure for a serious pain. That's a tough choice. I think that I'll avoid the serious pain.
How about giving money away? Do you like to give your money away Probably not. And when you don't wear your seat belt, you are begging to give your money away. That's because kids are required to wear seat belts in every state in America. If you're riding in a car, and you don't have a seat belt on, the police can give you or your driver a ticket. Then you will have to give money to the city. I'd rather keep my money, but you can spend yours how you want.
Wearing a seat belt does not make you invincible. You can still get hurt or killed while wearing your seat belt. But wearing them has proven to be safer than driving without them. You are much less likely to be killed in a car wreck if you are wearing a seat belt, you are much less likely to get seriously injured if you are wearing one. So why not take the safer way? Why not go the way that has been proven to result in fewer deaths? You do want to live, don't you?
a. Meanwhile, farmers are ... their banks for the funds to survive.
b. I pushed the brakes of my car only to make my friends feel....
c. My sister is very... in her study as the exam is coming soon.
d. Fortunately, the terrified woman moved away, shaken but....
e. She thinks that her grandparents are .... because of their old thoughts.
B. Read the text again and write
True if the statements agree with the information given in the text
False if the statements contradict the information given in the text
Not Given if there is no information in the text. 5
a. The author does not wear seat belt while driving,
b. Seat belts support the driver not to move from the seat during the car crash.
c. Many drivers have lost their lives because they do not wear seat belts.
d. Children must wear seat belts in America during travel.
e. You are not likely to get hurt if you wear seat belts.
C. Answer the following questions. 5
a. What does the author compare wearing seat belts with?
b. How does the author try to prove the benefit of wearing the seat belt in the second paragraph?
c. Why do some people not wear seat belts ?
d. What does the word "ticket" indicate in the fifth paragraph?
e. What do you think is the conclusion of the last paragraph?
3) Write short answers to the following questions in about 75 words each.5X2=10
a) How did Evan and Hooker become the victims of their own Greed? (The Treasure in the Forest)
b) Do you think the tourist knows better about Nepal than the Nepali Guide? Why? (The Half-closed Eyes of the Buddha and the slowly Sinking Sun)
Why does Runtu address his childhood friend as 'Master'? (My Old Home)
c) What does the phrase 'thè meridian line' in the poem 'The Awakening Age' refer to?
d) Describe any two factors that contribute to gaining wisdom. (Knowledge and Wisdom)
Why do you think the modern students ignore the book shelves? (On Libraries)
e) How was the wife of Monsieur Durand responsible for the crisis in Durand family? (Facing Death)
2081 Compulsory English Question (Regular). Click on the link for the question.
3. Write long answers to the following questions in about 150 words each.2X5=10
a) Runtu, as it is said, represents a good majority of Nepali people. Explain. (My Old Home)
Describe the story 'A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings' as a story of magic realism.
b) Explain the following lines with reference to the context.
At each advancing step on my route forward
my back was ripped by the desperate flapping wings
of the old guard. (I was My Own Route)
4. The chart below gives information about the UK's ageing population in 1985 and makes predictions for 2035.

Summarize the information in about 150 words by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. 7
5. You have noticed many stray animals on the road during the busy hours of the day. These animals have caused traffic jams as well as accidents. Write a letter to the Editor of a national daily complaining about the problems created by the animals. Sign your name as Pawan. 8
6. There is an increasing trend of old people living longer in many countries around the world. Do you think this has a negative or a positive effect on the population as a whole? Write an essay in about 300 words. 10
Important Questions-Answers of the poem "A Day". Click on the link for the content.
7. Do as instructed in the brackets and rewrite the sentences. (1X10=10)
a) My friend plays the piano well (Identify adverb in this sentence.)
b) I hope to contribute... (for/by/to/in) the previous research. (Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence.)
c) Ramit, together with his friends, (practise/practises/practised/has practised) yoga every day. (Choose the correct verb forms to complete the sentence.)
d) I am tired. I ... (need/may/must/would) go to bed early tonight. (Fill in the blanks with appropriate auxiliary verb.)
e) Elizabeth parked the car and then go into the busy station to meet Jane who was going to spend the weekend with her. (Identify which bolded verb form is incorrectly written and correct it.)
f) They looked at the ... (to fly/flown/flying/being flown) plane. (Fill in the blanks choosing appropriate infinitive or gerund to complete the sentence.)
g) He stole the money. I warned him not to. (Complete the pair of sentences using appropriate connective.)
h) I met a man at the party. He was a film star. (Join the pair of sentences using appropriate relative clause.)
i) Today acupuncture ... (were used/are used/is used/was used) effectively in our country. (Choose the appropriate passive form of the verb and write it.)
j) They asked "Is the work going to be easy?" (Report the speech using the verb 'wondered')
8. Choose and copy the correct alternatives. (1X5=5)
a) Which of the following words has a different vowel sound?
(ii) pull
(ii) food
(iii) put
(iv) foot
b) The new law should ... women their rights. Identify one of the following words that takes the prefix "em..." when it is changed into a verb and completes the sentence.
(i) depth
(ii) sure
(iii) rage
(iv) power
c) Diligence will pay you but indifference will make you pay. Which of the following words is close in meaning to "diligence"?
(i) effortlessness
(iii) idleness
(ii) inconstancy
(iv) carefulness
d) In a dictionary, which one of the following words can occur between the guidewords "entice" and "entreaty"?
(i) entertain
(iii) entrench
(ii) enthuse
(iv) entire
e) Arjun's daughter carried on his business when he was away for years. In this sentence, the phrase "carried on" is close to meaning to....
(i) discontinued
(ii) terminated
(iii) continued
(iv) finished
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