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English Notes- By Shishir Gyawali

English Notes- By Shishir Gyawali
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Monday 7 February 2022

Class 9 Compulsory English Practice Questions

Class 9 Compulsory English  Practice Questions

1) Read the poem and do the tasks that follow:
Dear mother," said a little fish
Is that a worm I see?
I'm very hungry, and I wish
You'd get the worm for me.

"Sweet innocent, the mother cried
And started from her nook,
"That worm you see is there to hide
The sharpness of a book."

As I have heard, the little trout
was young and foolish too.
And presently he ventured out
To learn what might be true

Around about the worm he played
With many a longing look
And "Dear me!" to himself he said,
"I'm sure there is no hook "

"I think I'll give one little bite,"
And that was what he did
And that he died in hapless plight
By not doing as he was bid
                        - Ann and Jane Taylor

A. Match the words in column A with their meaning in column B:
Column A                                          Column B
a) Trout                                              difficult and sad situation.
b) Innocent                                       a common fresh water fish
c) Plight                                              having little experience of the word

B. Answer the following questions:
a) Why did the baby fish want to have the worm?
b) How did the little trout die?

2) Read the following text and do the tasks that follow:
When I was ten years old, my mother took me to Syangja. It was during winter vacation. My mother, Phurba who was fourteen years old, was also in our excursion.
Mother told us to respect nature and learn where our food comes from. She added, "Fruits tastes better when we get it ourselves." To learn more and to enjoy delicious oranges we headed towards an orchard. After an hour of walking, we reached with ripe and tempting oranges. I still remember the taste and the smell of those nectars. An attractive orange that was the size of a cricket ball, seized my eyes. It was plumy and pulpy. Although the prickly stem ends scared me, I could imagine the juice inside it. Mother warned us not to pick the hard and green ones, they could be sour.

A. Write true and false against the following statement:
a) The writer dislikes eating oranges.
b) The oranges are impressive and soft.
c) The unripe oranges are hard and sour.
d) The writer is older than her brother.
e) Syangja is famous for orange.
f) The shape of the ripe oranges is like a cricket ball.

B. Answer the following questions:
a) Where did the writer go in the winter vacation?
b) What did the mother warn the writer and her brother?
c) Who were in the excursion apart from the writer?

3) Suppose your best friend got the title 'Student of the Year 2075. Prepare a message of congratulations to appear in a newspaper in about 75 words.

4) Develop the following guideline into a sensible news report in about 100 words.
Jeep accident... Myagdi on Monday... 5 killed... 5 injured... heading from Darbang to Niskot fell 100 meters a cliff... all locals... DSP Biraj Khadka informed... the injured taken to Myagdi District Hospital some in critical condition...

5) Write a couple of paragraphs expressing your views about Social Media in about 120 words.

6) Write a letter to the Editor of a national daily about the inconvenience caused by traffic jams in your locality in about 200 words.

7) Reproduce the following sentences as indicated in the brackets:
a) Don't waste your time,...? (Add Question Tag)
b) Nobody was present. (Into Yes/No Question)
c) You have to go to school daily? (Into How Question)
d) Sona....(go) out before Sheela arrived. (Put the verb in the Correct Tense)
e) Nova said, "How long have you been waiting for me?" (Change into Indirect Speech)
f) Did they complete the project work? (Into Passive)

8) Choose the correct answers from the brackets to complete the following text.
A mother duck and her little ducklings were on their way to...(1)... (a/an/the) lake one day. The ducklings...(2)...(was/were/had been) very happy following their mother. All of a sudden, the mother duck saw a fox... (3)... (in/on/at) a distance. She was frightened,...(4)... (was she/wasn't she/didn't she)? She shouted, "children, hurry up to the lake. There is a fox!" The ducklings...(5)... (hurry/hurried/are hurried) towards the lake. The mother duck wondered what to do. Then she began to walk back and forth dragging one wing on the ground....(6)... (because/as/so that) the fox could see her. The fox saw her and became happy to catch and eat her!" He said to himself, "It seems she is hurt and can't fly!" ...(7)... "(He could/He can/I can) easily catch and eat her.!" He ran towards her. The mother ducking ran leading the fox away from the lake. The fox followed her. Now he wouldn't be able to harm her ducklings. If she had not taken the fox away, it ...(... (will attack/would attack/would have attacked)them.When the ducklings (9).. (were saved/saved/was saved) in the lake, she stopped and took a deep breath. The fox thought that she was tired and he came closer but the mother duck quickly spread her wings and rose up in the air. She landed in the middle of the lake. She got her ducklings...(10)... (swim/to swim/swam) to her.

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