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English Notes- By Shishir Gyawali

English Notes- By Shishir Gyawali
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Friday 25 June 2021

The summary of the story 'The Strange-Looking Man' - B.Ed First Year General English


The story written by F.K Johnson depicts the dreadful picture of the First World War and its impacts on the people who were involved in the war and who did not go to the battlefield. The First World War was fought from 1914 to 1918. Many people lost their lives and those who returned home were mentally and physically impaired.        

There was a small village in a mountainous country. The policy of the country was to engage many people into war.  All the men except the very aged and the disabled had gone to the war. Those who had not gone to the war died of slow starvation. Many people died in course of war. Those who survived were disfigured. Some of them had no legs, some had no hands, some had no eyes, some had neither hands nor legs, some had half face and some were mentally impaired. It was all misery in the whole country.  Before the war, there was peace and harmony in the village. It was beautiful with completely fit and fine people of all sorts, but after the war there was a great change. Everybody became the victim of the war. All the people became victim of the war. After the war, people were battered and grotesque. There would be the windmill, the smithy, the sparkling water falls, green fields, birds, goats, cows, etc., but many of these didn’t last. Women refused to have sons due to the fear that they would go to war. Children could not see a whole man in the village. Seeing a complete man would be so strange for them. But once, a woman bore a son on the second year of the war. He was a bullet headed and blonde. He walked here and there. The people in the village were familiar with the boy and enjoyed playing with him. He was dear for everybody. One day, while his mother was washing clothes, they boy went to see the pool nearby and threw stones into water. The boy saw a lovely, fit, and fine young man diving and swimming in the pool. He was surprised to see the young man because he had never seen such a complete man without any damage before. He was perfectly complete in all aspects both physically and mentally. For the boy, the young man was mysterious and horrible. When the man called him to give some money, he was frightened and ran away to his mother, and she embraced him. The young man asked her why the boy was frightened of him. Then his mother replied that it was the first time the small child had seen a whole man.

Word Meanings in Nepali from the Summary:

- Dreadful- डरलाग्दो

- Depicts- चित्रण गर्छ 

- Impaired- अपांग

- Starvation- भोकमरी

- Survived- बाचे

- Disfigured- कुरूप

- Misery- दुख कष्ट

- Harmony- मिलन/सद्भाव

- Battered- अंगभंग भएका

- Grotesque- विकृत रुप भएका

- Smithy- आरन

- Mysterious- रहस्यमयी

- Horrible- डरलाग्दो

- Embraced- अँगालो हालिन 

Q) Describe the dreadful picture of the war and it effects the writer tries to show in this story.(युद्दको डरलाग्दो तस्बिर र यसको असरहरु जुन लेखकले यो कथामा देखाउन चाहान्छन त्यसलाई वर्णन गर्नुहोस?)

The writer tries to show the dreadful picture of the war and its effects in this story. In a small village, all the men except the very aged and the disabled had gone to the war. Those who had not gone to the war died of slow starvation. Many people died in the war. Only a few people returned and those few were crippled and disfigured. Some men had no legs or arms and some had neither legs nor arms. All the people became victim of the war. After the war, people were battered and grotesque. There would be the windmill, the smithy, the sparkling water falls, green fields, birds, goats, cows, etc., but many of these didn’t last. Women refused to have sons due to the fear that they would go to war. Children could not see a whole man in the village. Seeing a complete man would be so strange for them.

Q) How did the village look before and after the war? (युद्द पहिले र पछिको गाउँ कस्तो देखिन्थ्यो?)

The village, which was in a mountainous country, was very lovely. Before the war, all the people in the village were physically as well as mentally fit and fine. Not only this, there were windmills, smithy, public houses, row of cottages, churches, sparking waterfalls, goats, cows, etc., but many of these did not last after the war. After the war, the people in the village were crippled and disfigured in various ways. It was impossible to see a whole man in the village. Due to the devastating effect of the war, the village became completely ugly, incomplete and crippled after the war.

Q) Describe the strange looking man as Johnson would do it. (जोनसनले बर्णन गरेको त्यो अनौठो देखिने मान्छेको वर्णन गर्नुहोस?)

The strange-looking man, who was climbing the rock for a dive, was very lovely. He had two arms, two legs, a whole face with eyes, nose, mouth, chin, ears, etc. He could see, speak and hear. He could also sing songs. His skin was smooth all over. He was a complete man without any physical as well as mental defects.

Q) What did the writer endeavour to picture out a man as a whole man? (लेखकले त्यो मान्छेलाई किन एउटा पूर्ण मान्छेको रुपमा चित्रण गर्न खोजेका थिए?)

The writer tried to picture out the man as a whole man in order to show the mental as well as psychological effect on children, who were living in the village during the time of the war. The man was a complete man having all perfect body parts. When the bullet headed boy saw the young man, he became frightened as well as surprised and ran away to his mother because he had never seen any whole man in his village. Though the young man was a complete man, he became the strange-looking man for the boy.



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