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English Notes- By Shishir Gyawali

English Notes- By Shishir Gyawali
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Sunday 29 May 2022

Grammatical Questions (Class 12 Compulsory English)

Mixed Grammatical Questions: Class 12

First, complete practising these questions and check your answers clicking on the link given at the bottom of this page.

1) Question Tag
a. Hari used to live in France as a boy,……..?
b. They’d never met me before,………..?

2) Choose the correct modal verb.
a. ‘I don’t think he meant to be rude.’ ‘He…..said sorry.’ (must have/might have/would have)
b. I had it when I left the office, so I……lost it on the way to home. (mustn’t have/ must have/ should have)

3) Choose the correct quantifier much or many or little or few.
a. The party was crowded. There were too……people.
b. The entire winter season was dry this year. We had a ……..rain.

4) Choose the correct quantifier all of or most of or none of or both of or some of.
a. Do you know Bharat and Kamal. Of course. I do. ……..them are my friends.
b. We all were soaked in the rain because……us had carried an umbrella.

5) Make two sentences using although and in spite of.
a. It rained heavily. We enjoyed our holiday.
b. Lahasa has extremely cold weather in winter. Millions of tourists go there in January.

6) Complete the following sentences.
a. She climbed the mountain in spite of…………. .
b. …………though she is very sociable.

7) Make Wh-questions so that the words in bold become the answer.
a. She sometimes goes to the cinema.
b. I am looking for a new book.

8) Change these indirect questions into direct ones.
a. Have you found if the train has left?
b. I would like to know how much this motorcycle costs these days.

9) Put the adverbs of frequency in appropriate place and rewrite the sentences.
a. My father goes for a walk. (often)
b. Have you been to Agra? (ever)

10) Change the following verbs into adjectives.
a. Confuse
b. Upset

11) Add suitable suffix to the root words.
a. Comfort
b. Brother
c. Change
d. Shine
e. Perfect

12) Use the words from the brackets to complete the sentences.
a. You are driving very fast. Would you please drive……..? (a bit/slowly)
b. I liked the magic show. It was……………than I had expected. (far/exciting)

13) Change the following sentences into indirect speech.
a. She said to me, “Have a pleasant journey ahead.”
b. The student said, “Sir, please grant me a leave for two days.”

14) Change the following sentences using the correct form of the verbs.
a. A lot of people would lose job if the factory……. . (close down)
b. If we……..him earlier, we could have saved his life. (find)

15) Change the following sentences into ‘If Sentences.’
a. I did not go to a restaurant because I was not hungry.
b. She is very rich, so she drives a Mercedes.

16) Change the following sentences into passive.
a. Would Swastika open the window?
b. Sabina hates people laughing at her.

17) Make passive sentences from the following information.
a. taxes/the price/include
b. toyota cars/Japan/make

18) Rewrite the following sentences in the passive voice using the correct form of the verbs in the brackets.
a. Women……..(say) to be happier than men.
b. The clock………(use) since the 17th century.

19) Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.
a. The company is run……….two people, who hardly ever meet.
b. My dad insisted……taking the later train.

20) Give opposite words for the following words.
a. Selfish
b. Kind
c. Strange
d. Corrupt

21) Fill in the blanks with a correct connective.
a. He was not included in the team……his knee injury.
b. I wanted to go home early……I was not feeling well.

22) Underline the content words in the following sentences.

a. I came, I saw and I conquered.
b. The cat sat lazily on the dirty mat.

23) Which of the sentence is correct in each pair?

a. He assured he will come. He assured he would come.
b. He was died of fever. He died of fever.

24) Join the following sentences using who, which, that, whose, whom, where, when or what.
a. He showed me his new tab. He had paid a hundred thousand rupees for it.
b. The building was destroyed in the fire. It has now been built.

25) Fill in the blanks with suitable relative words using who, which, that, whose, whom, where, when or what.
a. A cemetery is a place……..dead bodies are buried.
b. Do you know the man……sold these glasses?

26) Rewrite the following sentences correcting the mistakes.

a. After the lesson had finished, we run out of school.
b. He had gone to the office because somebody had told him.

27) Fill in the blanks with for, in, by, until or since.
a. I can type 120 words……a minute.
b. He lived in Jumla…….he passed high school examination.

28) Write the number of syllables of the following words.
a. Examination
b. Holiday

29) Complete the following sentence with used to or would.
a. My father……always read me bedtime stories before bed.
b. When I was a child, we……live in a village.

30) Put the following adjectives in the correct order.
a. We ate (Chinese/delicious/some) food.
b. I bought (red/a/comfortable/new) scooter.

Now, check your answers. Click on the following link for your answers:

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