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English Notes- By Shishir Gyawali

English Notes- By Shishir Gyawali
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Sunday 12 September 2021

All Important Grammatical Exercises: Class 12

Important Grammatical Exercises/Class 12 

1. Continue the following remarks using used to + ing.
1. She was quite surprised when I gave her some flowers
2. Bina won’t mind if you watch her dancing.
3. It is a hard work cooking for twenty people at home.

2. Rewrite the following sentences using used to + ing.
1. She is good at cooking food.
2. Madan knows how to swim.
3. Children make noise.

3. Change the following sentences using supposed to.
1. People say that Methuselah lived for more than 300 years.
2. They say King Cobra is most dangerous.
3. They say it rains on the day of Teej.
4. Apparently groundwater in Kathmandu is running short.
5. I am told that turmeric is an antibiotic.

4. Change the following sentences using must, can’t, may or might.
1. Perhaps he is telling the truth.
2. Maybe she was delayed.
3. I’m sure she has been studying hard.
4. I am sure it hasn’t been snowing.
5. Perhaps she didn’t get what you said.

5. Change the following sentences using when instead of and or but.
1. He put his foot on the brake but nothing happened.
2. I broke the vase and burst into tears.
3. I paid my bill and left the restaurant.

6. Change the following sentences using ought to, ought not to, might as well or there is no point.
1. Why don’t you take a hot soup - it might turn cold.
2. Don’t take your children to see that film – it will frighten them.
3. Let’s not talk about it now – the children are listening.

7. Rewrite the following sentences using ‘If there is one thing... . ‘
1. People who smoke in public places annoy me.
2. I hate people who violate rules.
3. I detest people who don’t help others in trouble

8. Fill in the blanks with the prepositions until, in, by or for.
1. I dug the garden....a couple of hours.
2. I will finish my work.....Monday.
3. The film was over...three hours.
4. He learnt to swim...three weeks.

9. Read the example and make a similar conversation. (Have your ever...?)
1. trap/in bathroom? (storeroom)
2. play/badminton? (long tennis)
3. annoy/by friend? (stranger)

10. Continue the following remarks using ‘This is the first time...’
1. She’s feeling very drowsy.
2. My hands are hurting real bad.

11. Change the following sentences using seem.
1. They don’t send much money out.
2. He forgets things.
3. He isn't very healthy.
4. He doesn't spend much money outside.

12. Rewrite the following sentences using seem.
1. You see someone climbing through a window.
2. He usually carries a walking stick when he goes out.

13. Rewrite the following sentences using look as if/though.
1. You see a man lying underneath a car.
2. You see a big crowd gathered on the street.

14. Use these phrases in sentences with look as though as in the example.
1. He needs a wash.
2. She is celebrating.
3. He is about to die.

15. Add an appropriate relative clause to these sentences.
1. The NTC managed to repair the telephone,
2. We were all very grateful to our college,
3. The shopkeeper,....,turned round suddenly.
4. Bijaya gave sweets to his friends,

16. How would you describe a person who....
1. Likes going to parties
2. Doesn’t care what people think
3. Helps other people

17. Ask a question with ‘How long...’ and answer it using the words in brackets.
1. The boys waited at the bus station. (lunch time)
2. I changed the wheel of my car. (10 minutes)
3. She finished cleaning the room. (lunch time)

18. Change the following sentences using as soon as.
1. I saw the house and liked it.
2. The thief opened the window and entered the room.
3. The teacher went into the classroom and started teaching.

19. Explaining newspaper headlines using ‘No sooner had...’
1. Mobile thief caught red handed.
2. The principal resigned on the first day.

20. Report the following remarks.
1. The children are playing well.
2. I was not invited to the party.
3. She has finished her job.
4. You have done all your assignments.

21. Write two sentences showing how the following pairs of events happened in rapid succession using ‘No sooner had’ and ‘ had only just.’
1. I finished my exams/ I got a job offer.
2. We went to bed/ my brother heard a strange noise.

22. Write a sentence for each pair of actions below with ‘shouldn’t...until.’
1. Pay the bill/ come out of the shop
2. Get driving license/ drive the car

23. Explain the following sentences using ‘If.’
1. Sujan can’t be teaching at college — I have not seen him dealing with the college students.
2. The girl must have been kidnapped — she is not here yet.

24. Change the following yes/no questions into information questions.
1. Was it arson/blackmail/assault case?
2. Did you get up at 6/7/8 in the morning?
3. Would you like to sing Nepali/Hindi/English songs?
4. Are we having tomato/chicken/mushroom soup today?
5. Are there four/five/six of you?

25. Make wishes for the following situations.
1. You are alone.
2. You are in bed with flu.
3. Your bicycle is punctured.
4. You are jobless.

26. Make regrets for the following situations.
1. Your house is robbed.
2. She is angry with you.
3. You are jobless now.
4. You missed the class.

27. Change the following sentences using sure to, certain to, bound to, likely to or unlikely to.
1. I doubt if the school teacher will go on strike
2. There will definitely be a few books left.
3. He probably won’t come in the program.
4. I expect there’ll be lots of people at the meeting.

28. Combine the following pairs of sentence into indirect questions.
1. Does she like rock music? Can you remember?
2. Where are you going tomorrow? Have you decided yet?
3. Are you coming tomorrow? I need to know now.

29. Continue the following remarks with look, sound, smell, feel or taste.
1. The material is very soft.
2. I have got something in my shoe.
3. Are you sure this is tea?
4. What’s that you are cooking?

30. Complete the sentences by joining the following words using when.
1. eat/meal – pay/bill
2. arrive/boarder – show/passport

31. Write two sentences for each pair of events below showing that the person did them in the right order.
1. measure the room/order the carpet.
2. check his answers/leave the exam room.

32. Choose one of the verbs in the list to report each of the remarks below. (advise, insist, suggest, threaten ad recommend)
1. I will report you to police if you don’t do what I say.
2. Why don’t you go to clinic if you can pay?
3. You should try it once again, you may win.
4. You really ought to have your car serviced.
5. No, I have already told you – I am going to pay.

33. Change the sentences below into comparative sentences using a) than b)
1. His parents would like him to work hard, but he doesn’t.
2. You said I would enjoy the film, but in fact I didn’t like it much.
3. Fifty people had been invited, but eighty came.
4. The exam is not usually very difficult, but this year it was quite tough.

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