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English Notes- By Shishir Gyawali

English Notes- By Shishir Gyawali
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Wednesday 1 June 2022

Class 12 Compulsory English Question-2079 (Old Course)

Sub.Code: 004
NEB-GRADE XII 2079 (2022)
Compulsory English
(For partial/grade improvement and technical stream's regular students)
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Time:-3 hrs.
Full Marks:-100
Pass Marks: 35 (Only for partial students)
Attempt all the questions.
1) Read the following passage and answer the questions that follows. 5x3=15 Though it can not be denied that HIV/AIDS is one of the crisis faced by the world, general awareness as to its cause and consequences is still limited. e.g. the general awareness of HIV/AIDS in the United States is often traced to a repot by the Centres for Disease Control on a series of unusual occurrences of a rare form of and a rare form of pneumonia amongst homosexual men way back to June 1981. The ignorance regarding the disease had been so great that by June 1931, it had spared to at least five continents without anyone knowing about or identifying the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) that caused it. Before the virus was isolated and identified in 1983, a number of theories circulated about the possible causes of the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).
The first few cases that were diagnosed further confused all. The even created a feeling of impotence against the disease and fear its spread encouraged over simplifications in media outlets that tended to identify the epidemic exclusively with homosexual white men and intravenous drug users. Thus ignorance about how the disease spreads further aggravated the situation.
Even the doctors and public health professionals could not do much to ease the situation. Through out much of the 1980's medical and public health professions fumbled to understand the increasingly devasting epidemic and develop therapeutic and social approaches to halting its progress. Though not one could halt its process, people came to hate those who
were found HIV positive.
a. What has been still limited according to the speaker? 
b. What was the condition of HIV/AIDS by June 1981 ?
c. Why did people feel impotence against the disease?
d. How did the situation become worse? 
e. How did the doctor and public health professionals contribute to halt the spreading process of HIV/AIDS? 
2) Answer any five of the following questions. 5x3-15
a. What suggestions has Moti Nissani put forward to control deforestation? (Two Long Term Problems...)
b. Why does the narrator hesitate beside the mountain read? (Travelling Through the Dark)
c. What is the background of the story 'Hansel and Gretel'? 
d. What is the motive of the Old Man in killing the boy? Is he able to release his mother's soul from purgatory?
e. Why does Martin Luther King appeal his activists to be calm, and control their physical action with the soul force? (I have a Dream)
f. How is a child reared in Bangladesh ? (A child is Born) 
3) Answer any one of the following questions. 10
a. Compare Nikanov and Pelageya's affair with Alyohin and Mrs Luganoviches? Why did the affair between Alyohin and Mrs. Luganoviches ultimately affect Mrs Luganoviches, but not Pelageva? (About Love)
b. Presenting a scenario of Lydia E Pinkham's business, comment in detail about other business women including Lydia E Pinkham. (Women's Business)
4) Continue the remarks below with a sentence using is/am/are (not) + used to + ing form, as in the example.5
Example: The class teacher was surprised when we offered him a gift. He is not used to being welcomed.
a. She is feeling terribly nervous...
b. He is absolutely delighted....
c. God, this is embarrassing....
d. I hope they reached there safe...
e. I have get pain a lot....
5) Add an appropriate relative clauses to these sentences. 5
a. We could not wait to get our ancestor's home....
b. At last they managed to repair the bridge...
c. The boy,.....................,was punished.
d. I eventually found the letter, ............., in my jacket pocket.
e. When I came back I found that my bag. , had been lost.
6) Rewrite the following sentences beginning. If there is one thing, as in the example. 5
Example: I hate people who are unkind to children. If there is one thing I hate it is people who are/unkind to children. 
a. Someone is singing in the bath. It is getting on my nerves.
b. Someone is laughing at Madan. It is infuriating me.
c. Someone has taken my pen without asking. I am angry.
d. It is after midnight and the people next door are playing loud music. I object to it.
e. Someone has just spat in the street. I am offended.
7) Choosing one of the appropriate verbs from the list, report each of the remarks below. 5
(Verbs: promise, advise, threaten, insist, beg) 
a. I will buy you a moped if you are good.
b. No, I have already told you- I am going to pay.
c. I will report you to the principal if you violate the rules.
d. Why do not you paint the ceiling yellow?
e. You have to lend me the money, please.
8) Change the following direct questions into information questions. 5
a. Was it cold when you were in London?
b. Are you going to boil those eggs?
c. Would you like to do office work?
d. Is the cinema opposite to the station?
e. Did you use half inch screws in the main door? 
9) Change the following remarks using supposed to. 5
a. People say the climate is changing.
b. I am told that he was a palmist.
c. They say that he was a heavy drunker.
d. People say he is living on a remote island.
e. They say that his parents took him to Janakpur when he was seven. 
10) Write in short about the famous tourist spot in your province. 5
11) Imagine yourself as a class representative (CR), write a paragraph how you would maintain discipline in your class for the smooth environment of classroom. 5
12) What can be done to top Violence Against Women in Nepal? 10
13) Write a letter to your relatives about the importance of studying English in modern society. Write XYZ in place of name and address.10

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