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English Notes- By Shishir Gyawali

English Notes- By Shishir Gyawali
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Wednesday 8 June 2022

BBS Second Year English Model Question

BBS Second Year
Model Question

Time: 3hrs.

Attempt all the questions
Group A

1) Rewrite the following paragraph, supplying the appropriate words or phrases, to complete a brief summary of Virginia Woolf’s essay Professions for Women. 5

Virginia Woolf is............a group of women seeking employment in a workforce predominated by............ . She speaks of the struggle present for all women writers, and that is to break out of the........ society has for women- being pure, and conservative, and sycophantic towards men without a mind of their own. This is a.........that she was able to break, with great difficulty, in order to incorporate her own voice into her.......... .

2) Siddhicharan Shrestha inspires the common people to move forward with the promising Nepal in his poem New Nepal. Are you optimistic to his vision? 5

3) E.B. White describes his experience in his personal essay Once More to the Lake. As he revisits a childhood lake in Maine, he transforms himself to find enjoyment in the journey. Explain briefly how the lake serves as the setting for both the author's past and present. 5

4) Phineas T. Barnum creates an optimistic energy that makes the listeners want to go right out and conquer the world in his is lecture Advertise Your Business. Narrate how Sales representative's skill has been demonstrated in the text? To support your answer, you might relate to any of the advertisement that you have watched, heard, read or experienced. 10
The article The Company Man is about a workaholic employee Phil. A workaholic is someone for whom work is a compulsion, one who takes the behaviour of the workplace to an extreme, who never has a quitting time, and who sacrifices everything in life for the sake of a job. The company president, while attending Phil's funeral, mentioned that Phil's determination is irreplaceable. At the moment, Phil's wife was reluctant to maintain the eye contact with the president fearing that her bitterness and hatred for Phil would be reflected. Analyse what she must have acknowledged about the importance of nonverbal cues. Support your answer with evidence from the text as well as from your own experiences.

5) Gary Snyder views that graceful conduct is often missing in human behaviour in his essay The Etiquette of Freedom. Identify what modules a manager can learn from the essay. 10
The story The Use of Force is written in a first-person narrative and does not use any quotation marks, making the dialogues inseparable from narrator's own words. The doctor uses force against Matilda instead of persuading her. Likewise, the patient's parents, too, fail to persuade the girl. So, one among many interpretations of the story is that it is about the consequences of the failure of the using effective language to persuade the receiver. Explain.

6) The Kiss is Kate Chopin's short story about a woman scheming to many a wealthy man. The imageries in the first paragraph foreshadow the revelation that Nathalie is plotting to marry the good-natured but unattractive and rather foolish Brantain while maintaining an affair with Mr. Harvy. Above all, Nathalie thinks she can flirt with one man even after marrying another—but has to console herself with her new husband 'and his million'. With reference to the context of the story, as a business student, how do you relate the issue of gender and wealth? 15
Susan Sontag, in her essay Beauty, is advocating for the 'inner beauty' (character, intellect and vision), which is considered to be more important than 'outer beauty' (facial attraction or looks, physique, or sense of proportion of the body) especially for women. It is presumed that Nepali society is stereotypically believed to "teach" women to be fair and beautiful. Such a conventional concept not only degrades women's dignity but also makes them inferior to what they are. Obviously, every person should be competent, independent, and thoughtful in order to revive the ideal value of beauty and preserve their identity in the society. What are your reservations about the products that indorse female as an object to advertise to attract males? To support your answer, you may even take an example of any visual ads whether in print or screen such as TV commercial, a vlog, college brochures, leaflet or prospectus that uses girls' images just to market their products.
Group- B

7) Define the following business communication terminologies or phrases. 5
a. Encoding
b. Stereotype
c. Diversity
d. Visual aids
e. Press release

8) Rewrite the following issues choosing the best alternatives.
A. Effective business messages are........... .
a. entertaining, blunt, direct, opinionated, and persuasive
b. practical, objective, concise, clear, and persuasive
c. personal, clear, short, catchy, and challenging
d. stuffy and unprofessional

B. not a skill that employers will expect you to have.
a. communicating effectively with people from diverse backgrounds and experiences
b. using communication technologies effectively and efficiently
c. managing your time wisely and using resources efficiently
d. commanding employees to follow orders

C. Sensitivity to business etiquette......... .
a. reduces the chance of interpersonal blunders that might negatively affect communication 
b. is considered by most companies to be a waste of time in today's fast-paced markets
c. is now legally required in all seven provinces in Nepal.
d. always increases the cost of business communication

D. In order for the receiver of a message to respond in the manner desired by the sender, the receiver needs to.......... .
a. remember the message
b. be able to respond to the message
c. have the motivation to respond to the message
d. belong to the same cultural group

E. Teams can achieve a higher level of performance than individuals alone because....... .
a. they combine the intelligence and energy of multiple individuals
b. motivation and creativity flourish in team settings
c. they involve more input and a greater diversity of views, which tends to result in better decisions
d. the members think that the power and responsibility ensure their success

9) Pretend that you are delivering an oral presentation on the topic of 'digital marketing'. Prepare an outline for the presentation. Make sure to include your claim, at least three broader categories to support your argument, and create sub categories. 6

10) Assume that you work for the human resources department of a large bank that is attempting to reduce its paper consumption. Write an email to bank employees encouraging them to submit ideas for a new employee awareness program. Workers should be encouraged to submit ideas on ways to reduce paper waste in return for cash prizes. 8

11) Write an actual letter of complaint to a hotel, a restaurant, a business, a government agency, or an educational institution. Explain why you are unsatisfied with the product or service that has been provided and ask for a fair resolution to the problem. 8

Group- C

12) Read the given case and answer the following questions. 9x.2=18

The fact that millions of people spend billions of hours playing games on their mobile devices is not lost on companies looking for ways to enhance communication with employees and customers. Whether they feature skill, chance, or compelling story lines, successful games try to engage users intellectually and emotionally—just as successful business communicators try to do.

Gamification is the addition of game-playing aspects to an activity or a process with the goal of increasing user engagement, and it's a natural fit for social media and mobile devices. Foursquare's check-in competitions, in which the person who "checks in" using Foursquare the most times during a certain time window is crowned the "mayor" of that location, were an early use of gamification. Foursquare wasn't invented as a way for people to become imaginary mayors of places where they shop or eat, of course. It is an advertising platform that relies on user activity and user-generated content, and the game element encourages people to use the app more frequently.

Foursquare is a simple example of gamification, but other companies are pushing the concept in new ways to engage and motivate employees and other stakeholders. For example, Bunchball's Nitro software applies gamification concepts to a number of business communication platforms. On a customer- service system, the software rewards employees for increasing their productivity, meeting their service commitments to customers, and sharing knowledge with their colleagues. On several collaboration and brainstorming systems, gamification encourages people to make more connections, share ideas, and boost their influence within a community. Employee orientation systems can use game concepts to help new hires learn their way around the organization.

Gamification is also a key strategy for many companies trying to improve customer loyalty. Badgeville's Reputation Mechanics system, for example, boosts the profile of knowledgeable customers who share expertise on social media site and other online forums. By rewarding their product champions this way, companies encourage them to keep contributing their expertise, thereby helping other customers be successful and satisfied.

Incidentally, if you are in the Millennial generation— those born between about 1981 and 1995—you're a special target of gamification in the workplace and the marketplace, given your generation's enthusiasm for video games. Don't be surprised to find more gamified apps and systems on the job and everywhere you turn as a consumer.
a. Gamification is about influencing employee and customer behaviours in ways that benefit a company. Is this ethical? Explain your answer.

b. Assume a company provides a job-search game app that helps you navigate your way through applying for a job, explore various job openings, and understand what it would be like to work there. Would the app make you feel more positively about the company, or would you find that using a game for this purpose would trivialize something as important as your job search? Explain your answer.

All the Best

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