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11/12 and Bachelor Levels' Complete English Notes

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English Notes- By Shishir Gyawali

English Notes- By Shishir Gyawali
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Wednesday 25 August 2021

Using 'As soon as' (Class 12 Grammatical Exercise)

Grammatical Exercise 

Using 'As soon as'
- As soon as + S + had + V3 + O (Past Perfect), S + v2 + O (Simple Past) - To join two actions, which happened one after another. (दुई वटा कामहरुलाई जोड्नको लागि जुन कामहरु एक पछि अर्को घटे)

- As soon as + S + V2 + O (Simple Past), S + V2 + O (Simple Past) - To join two actions where the second action happened in response to the first action or two actions happened almost at the same time. (दुई वटा कामहरुलाई जोड्नको लागि जहाँ दोश्रो काम पहिलो कामको असरले घट्यो अथवा दुई कामहरु लगभग एकै समयमा घटे) 

## Do not use 'and' or 'but' when you use any one of these two structures.  Use a comma  in the place of the two conjunctions.


1. He kicked the dog and it barked. (यहाँ पहिलो काम  भयो र दोश्रो काम पहिलो कामको असरले भयो अथवा लगभग एकै समयमा दुई वटा कामहरु भए) (So, you have to use the second structure here.)
- As soon as he kicked the dog, it barked.

2. She went to the kitchen and started cooking. (यहाँ पहिलो काम भयो वा गरियो र त्यसपछि दोश्रो काम  पनि भयो वा गरियो) (So, you have to use the first structure here.)
- As soon as she had gone to the kitchen, she started cooking. 

Now, practise this exercise.
Q) Change the following sentences using as soon as + Simple Past or as soon as + Past perfect. (2076)
1. She saw a snake and screamed.
2. I wrote a letter and posted it straight away.
3. The news on television finished and then I went straight to bed.
4. The mother peeled the banana and she gave it to her baby.
5. She brought an ice-cream and started eating it.  

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