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English Notes- By Shishir Gyawali

English Notes- By Shishir Gyawali
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Tuesday 19 July 2022

BBS Second Year Business Communication Question-2079

Shishir English Notes

B.B.S. 4 Yrs. Prog./II Year/MGMT
Business Communication (MGT 205)
Full Marks: 100 
Time: 3 hrs. 
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt ALL the questions.

Group 'A'

1. How does Matthew Arnold show the conflict between religion and science in the poem "Dover Beach"? (5)

2. Summarize the main theme of "The Allegory of the Cave". (5)

3. What does Jamaica Kincaid's "Girl" tell us about gender roles in Antigua? (5)

4. How does George Bernard Shaw's play "Augustus Does His Bit" criticize the phenomena of war? Do you think war is inherently unjust and immoral or it is sometimes a necessary action? (10)
What insight does the story "The Use of Force" offer on the nature of will? Is it justifiable or unjustifiable for a doctor to use violence on the patient? Why or why not?

5. Describe how "Looking for a Rain God" by Bessie Head presents enduring power of ancient tribal rituals and their conflict with contemporary codes of behaviour in African life. (10)
How does Gary Snyder, in "The Etiquette of Freedom", define 'social order'? Do you think 'social order' is found throughout nature as discussed by Snyder?

6. R. Scholes N. R. Comley and G.L. Ulmer in their essay 'Light My Lucky" describe an advertisement for Lacky Strike Light cigarettes and point out how important it is for the consumers to learn how to make a critical scrutiny of ads and text made for promotional purposes. Think of some other cigarette ad or any other ad and write a comment on it as in the essay.
E.B. White, in "Once More to the Lake", reminisces about his boyhood summer holidays spent in Maine. Explain how the lake serves as the setting for both the author's past and present. Do you think the memories remain the same or they change over the years? Give some concrete examples from your personal experience. (15)

Group 'B'
7. Define the following business communication terminologies/ phrases. (5)
a. cash flow
b. motivation
c. flipchart
d. memorandum
e. solicited proposal

8. Rewrite the following issues choosing the best alternatives. (5)
a. ......does not present opinion and recommendation.
i. Analytical report
ii. Informal report
iii. Informational report
iv. Formal report

b. Teams can achieve a higher level of performance than individuals alone because...... .
i. they combine the intelligence and energy of multiple individuals
ii. motivation and creativity flourish in team setting
iii. they involve more input and a greater diversity of views, which tends to result in better decisions
iv. the members think that the power and responsibility ensure their success

c. .......refers to the process of meaning making by sending and receiving messages via pictures, charts, and graphics.
i. Verbal communication
ii. Oral communication
iii. Visual communication
iv. Informal communication

d. Intrapersonal communication refers to...... .
i. taking to office staff
ii. reflecting on one's experiences
iii. talking to the public
iv. communicating with the family

e. In downward flow communication, information flows....... .
i. from executives to subordinates
ii. among executive officers
iii. from subordinates to executive officers
iv. among subordinates

9. What is a communication barrier? How does it affect the communication process? Explain with examples. (6)

10. A major business house working in the area of advertising and publishing is looking for a 'Business Communicator.' Prepare your resume, and write a cover letter suitable for the job. (8)

11. Suppose you are a sales representative at Overseas Manpower Services, Nepal. Write a circular letter inviting people to take benefit of your services. Include details about some new offers. (8)

Group 'C'
12. Read the given case and answer the following question. (2x9=18)

Workplace surveillance is not new, of course, but new technologies have made it possible for employers to monitor workers both in and out of the workplace and can harm workers in myriad ways. Some of the threats posed by increasingly sophisticated workplace surveillance are a direct result of the pervasive monitoring itself, but others are result of the exploitative and often illegal practices that such surveillance enables, from health and safety harms to discrimination.

The dangers posed by workplace surveillance fall most heavily on the most vulnerable workers, exacerbating an array of economic inequalities and preventing these workers from challenging these increasingly invasive practices. But worker monitoring is also part of a cycle of restructured work arrangements through which firms de-skill work and misclassify employees, allowing them to pay workers less, sidestep worker protections, and undermine workers' bargaining ability.

At its core, pervasive and unchecked workplace surveillance fundamentally shifts the dynamics of power in the workplace in favour of firms in ways that harm workers and drive inequitable growth. It enables illegal discrimination, hampers worker organizing, and leads to constant stress for workers who can be fired at any time. More broadly, worker surveillance distorts the nature of jobs and economic opportunity by hyper-enabling the de-skilling of jobs and destroying workers' autonomy.

Companies surveil workers for many reasons, often citing security concerns, the need to streamline billing and project management, or the desire to increase worker productivity. Employers may also conduct surveillance simply for its own sake. They do so to gain a sense of greater control, to reduce risks in their operations, and simply because new technologies for monitoring are pervasive and increasingly inexpensive to implement.

In practice, this surveillance not only allows and intensifies exploitative workplace practices, but also undermines worker power and contributes to increasingly worse wages and working conditions. Questions:

a. Workplace surveillance is very common in the modern workstations. Do you think it is ethical to surveil workers in the company? Explain your answer.

b. Assume that you are the Managing Director of a company: What strategy would you adopt to make sure all the staff in the office are working as per the spirit of the organization?

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