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English Notes- By Shishir Gyawali

English Notes- By Shishir Gyawali
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Wednesday 18 May 2022

Class 12 Compulsory English New Model Question

Compulsory English (ENG. 004)
Grade XII
Model Question
Full Marks: 75
Time: 3 hours

Attempt all the questions.

1. Read the following text and do the tasks that follow.15
Victims are trafficked within a country or transnational. They are smuggled because they are forced to work as prostitutes, domestic servants, beggars, factory workers, mine workers, circus performers and child soldiers. It is like another form of slavery. The majority of trafficking victims are women and children because of their marginalisation in many societies and their limited economic resources. Besides them, other key target groups include people from low income households, ethnic minorities, illiterate or people with low level of education, refugees, illegal migrants, children running away from home, and other. Members of split families are also prone to it. Women of forced marriage and early marriage, deserted wife, widows and discriminated daughters are easily victimised.

Traffickers prey on the most vulnerable members of society. In order to deceive, first, they take help of local people to identify such families. They may provide economic incentive and financial loans to their friends, relatives, family, spouse or even parents. At times, most victims are lured to promises of better jobs or well paid job in cities, false marriages and proposals, easy money, dream of sophisticated life and other. Victims of earthquakes, floods, wars and epidemics can be easily smuggled.

Most victims are involved in slavery like practices, and kept in prison like environment. It is because they can be physically and sexually abused. They have to work long hours without any rest or recreation. They never get medical facility when they fall sick. They are either paid less or their earnings are with held with prolonged indebtedness to traffickers. Our constitution has preserved the right to freedom. Therefore, we must fight against trafficking of persons. In addition to legislation, the Nepal government, the Ministry of Women, Children and Welfare, various INGOs and NGOs and many other organisations in Nepal are dedicated to combat human trafficking. If we suspect anyone involving in such illegal activities, we have to report the police or any member of concerned organisations. We can also use helpline numbers anytime to inform about victims or traffickers. Our little effort will be a great help to control violation of human rights.

A. Find words in the text which are similar in meaning to the following.
a. Protected
b. Well being
c. Adding together
d. Fight against
e. Amusement
B. Answer these questions based on the text above.
a. Why do traffickers provide the economic incentive and financial loans?
b. How would the life of victimized people be after being trafficked?
c. Why should we combat against human trafficking?
d. What is meant by human rights?
e. What right has been preserved in our constitution?
C. Write T for true and F for false statements.
a. Trafficked women are smuggled because they are forced to work as prostitutes only.
b. Traffickers take the help of local people to identify in order to deceive the vulnerable people of a society.
c. Trafficked women get facility when they are sick.
d. Females of forced marriage and early marriage, deserted wife, widows and discriminated daughters are not easily victimised.
e. Our little effort cannot help to control women’s trafficking.

2. Write short answers to the following questions. (5X2=10)
a. What, according to the speaker, is a day? (A Day)
b. How did the community celebrate Rakesh’s success? (A Devoted Son)
c. What, according to Russell, is the true aim of education? (Knowledge and Wisdom)
d. How does the play make a satire on the feudal system? (The Bull)
e. Why was Mrs. Baroda unhappy with the information about Gouvernail’s visit to their farm?

3. Write long answers to the following questions. (2X5=10)
a. Write the summary of the poem ‘The Awakening Age’. (The Awakening Age)
b. The story depicts that linguistic and cultural barriers do not create any obstacle in human relationship. (Neighbours)

4. Write a couple of paragraphs about an interesting dream that you have had. 7

5. Write a job application for the post of an English teacher in a primary level addressing to a school. Suppose you are Sita Nepal from Newroad, Pokhara. 8

6. Suppose you are the General Manager of Nepal Airline. Issue a press release on behalf of the airlines about the cancellation of flights to the mountain regions due to the poor wealth condition. 10

7. Do as indicated in brackets and rewrite the sentences. (10x1=10)
a. Let’s go for a tour, .............? (Add a proper question tag)
b. Hari passed the exam although..................... .(Complete the sentence using the proper connective)
c. Many of houses in this neighbourhood (don’t/doesn’t have) garages. (Choose one from the brackets to complete the sentence)
d. She drinks whisky because she is a popular leader in the society. (Put the frequency adverb ‘never’ at the appropriate place)
e. Kanchan broke her backbone. She was lifting up the load. (Join the two sentences using ‘while’)
f. The young generation of Nepali people don’t take interest.....politics. (Use correct preposition)
g. She reached home and sat on (relaxing/old/her/wooden) chair. (Put the adjectives in the right order)
h. The teacher said, “Have you submitted your assignment, students?” (Change the sentence into indirect speech)
i. The problem.................(discuss) by the subject specialists at the moment. (Change the verb into correct passive)
j. We generally......(go) to school in the morning. (Use the verb in the correct tense form)

8. Do as instructed. (5X1=5)
a. Make two words using the prefix ‘dis’.
b. I can’t......the pain. (bear/beer/bare)
c. Write down two rhyming words for the word ‘may’.
d. Which of the following words contain the sound /u:/ sound. (push, hood, full, moon, book, cook)
e. It is my life, my identity. (Underline two content words in the sentence)

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