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English Notes- By Shishir Gyawali

English Notes- By Shishir Gyawali
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Wednesday 25 August 2021

Class 12 Compulsory English Question Paper 2074

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 XII  (004)
(2074) Compulsory English
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own word as for at practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks

Time: 3 hrs.                                                                                                                        Full Marks- 100
Attempt all the questions.
1. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. 5x3-15
Most of the school children, adolescents and even audits commit suicide because of untreated depression. It is the most probable cause of suicide among teens and adults. Successful attempts at suicides have increased by 300% over the past 30 years. Though as many as 8% of adolescents attempt suicide, girls make more attempts at suicide, but boys are successful at their attempts four to five times as often as girls. As long as 30 years back, many psychologists and psychiatrists believed that children never suffered from depression. However, some believed that children never suffered from depression. However, some believed that though the children could be depressed, their depression would be reflected as behavioural problems. Thus, depression would be a masked one. Today children experience and manifest depression in ways similar to adults, although with some symptoms unique to their developmental Even a newly born may be the subject to depression. Thus children may suffer depression at any age. In very young children, depression can manifest in a number of ways including failure to thrive, disrupted attachments to others, developmental delays, social withdrawal separation anxiety, sleeping and eating problems, and dangerous behaviours Irrespective of age, depression affects an individual's physical cognitive, emotional/affective, and motivational well being. Thus, child with depression between the ages of 6 and 12 may exhibit fatigue, difficulty with school work, apathy and/or a lack of motivation whereas an adolescent or teen may be oversleeping, socially isolated, acting out in self destructive ways and/or have a sense of hopelessness.
(a) What are the effects of depression ?
(b) Why do most of the school children commit suicide?
(c) What are the causes of depression in young children? 
(d) What is the percentage of adolescents who attempt suicide?
(e) Summarise the passage in one sentence or two. 

2. Answer any five of the following questions.5x3=15
(a) What role does the witch have in the story? What does she symbolize? (Hansel and Gretel) 
(b) Why does the narrator want to kill the old man? Why does his effort to kill him go in vain for seven nights? (The Tell-tale Heart)
(c) Why does the writer bring in the examples of the east to discuss the problems of a modern western society? (A Child is Born)
(d) What dream does Martin Luther King have? How does he want to fulfil it? (I Have a Dream) 
(e) Why does the Old Pensioner lament in his old age ? (The Lamentation...)
(f) 'If you can call it a story'. What does Dylan Thomas mean by this conditional sentence? Does he mean to say it is not a story in a true sense? (A Story)

3. Answer any one of the following questions.
 (a) Alyohin is said to rush around like a squirrel in a cage (P.19). and this judgment is echoed in the final paragraph of the story (P. 23). What is the significance of this repetition? Does Luganoviches' reading about Alyohin differ from Burkin and Ivan? (About Love)
(b) According to Traugot, What changes are transforming the American adoption scene? What factors are responsible for the changes? (The Children Who Wait)

4. Compare the prices of the things below, as in the examples. 5
Steak Rs. 800 kilo
Chicken Rs 250 kilo
- Steak is about three times as expensive as chicken. 
- Chicken is about a third the price of steak
(a) Pilot pen Rs.90.00/Gel pen Rs. 28.00
(b) Cotton pant Rs. 1600.00/Jeans pant Rs. 900.00 
(c) Leather gloves Rs.400.00 /Woolen gloves Rs. 125.00
(d) Colour T.V. Rs 20,000.00/Black and White T.V. Rs. 5000.00 
(e) Mustard oil Rs. 210.00/Sunflower Rs. 135.00

5. Change the sentences below using likely to, sure to, could,  unlikely to, or definitely won't whichever is appropriate.5
(a) The price of gas will probably go up again in a few months.
(b) Our former principal probably won't be back. 
(c) I am sure a new chairman will be appointed soon.
(d) The letter may arrive this week. 
(e) There certainly won't be much food problem this year.

6. Combine the following pairs of sentences into indirect questions. 5
What time did he wake up? Do you know? Do you know what time he woke up?
(a) Was he alone? Did you notice? 
(b) Has the train left? Have you found out ?
(c) What time does the concert start? I have no idea.
(d) Are you coming tomorrow? I need to know now.
(e) Did I lock the front door? Do you remember? 

7. Explain the following deduction using an if..... sentence, as in the example.
- He can't be a soldier - he is not wearing a uniform. If he was a soldier, he would be wearing a uniform.
(a) They must be having an argument- they have shut the door.
(b) They must be working hard- they are tired.
(c) She can't be working in the bank - I haven't seen her there
(d) She must know English-she was listening to the CNN
(e) They must be here around he has not closed the door.

8. How would you describe a person who ...... 
(a) has high opinion about himself
(b) doesn't like going to parties
(c) never loses his temper
(d) expects good things to happen
(e) doubts whatever you tell him

9. Here are some things you have noticed about Mr. X. What do they suggest to you about him. Talk about him using seem. 
(a) He usually carries a walking stick when ne goes out. 
(b) You only see his parents during holidays.
(c) There are a lot of stamps in his room.
(d) His front garden looks a bit neglected. 
(e) The postman always delivers a lot of letters with foreign stamps to his house.

10. Write a short description of a lorry driver who had hit a pillar last morning and run away.5

11. Write what each of the following suggests/indicates/means (or doesn't suggest/mean/indicate). Since divorce has become easier to obtain now a days, the divorce rate has gone up dramatically.5

12. Write a letter to the Chairperson of your Ward/VDC requesting him to work in order to ban the use of plastic bag, the sole cause of pollution, and use cotton bag instead. Write XYZ in place of address and your signature. 

13. Write an essay on "Empowerment for Women: A Base for Development." 10

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